Thursday 25 July 2013

How to write a resume

How to write a resume - Creating a resume is a skill which needs practice and better understanding about your determination. Be 100% sure that spending another couple of minutes to learn how to make a resume will bring a ...!!
How to write a resume
writing a resume - The first step of writing a resume is to keep all your documents, certificates and list of information that is needed. Keeping them all at your reach, now keep in mind or recall your career plans. A resume should be a targeted resume instead of making it in general without having the purpose in mind. Now, before proceeding to write your resume – decide which format of resume are you prepared to choose. Reverse Chronological Format resume is good for traditional and conservative industries like academic or law. This type of resume is also recommended if your intention is to stay in the same type of profession which you were earlier in. For fresher and new graduates the Functional Format Resume would fit perfect and also for those who likes to make a come-back to certain industry. Anyways, a combination of both the formats would be necessary for those who is shifting their career and who posses diversified career backgrounds. Keep in mind that there are certain set of standard information should be presented in both the format resumes which give a positive response.

When you are clear with above points choose only the profession or job that fits your qualification and personality which will help you to build a perfect and targeted resume to hit the purpose. Learn what the company is looking for and match the qualities you have to make yourself the best candidate for that particular position. Once you have compiled all the above points in mind start to write your resume with “Objective Section”. Never do the mistake of copying the objective from somewhere but the Objective should be based on your career plan and what the company seeks. Show the clarity in this section by providing exact information what the company needs from you. In some cases if you pose significant accomplishments to the relevant position – a separate “Summary Section” could be required. This section should be brief in a separate paragraph by answering the company as why they should choose you for the mentioned position. In these instances make the “Summary Section” next to the Objective Section. The next section should be “Experience Section” where you need to write your title followed by the company name or in reverse. However, make it consistent whichever you feel is remarkable. List all your experiences in reverse chronological order by including all your work-related experiences. Do include your internships / voluntary works and services. Here, write the dates after each work experience that you mention and do not include months. Include the months only if the experience is less than a year. “Educational Details Section” should follow next where you write all your educational details the same way as you did in work experience section. Unless you are a fresh graduate, do not include small courses or certifications in this section. Do include major courses and awards if any. If you are waiting for your results mention the exact date or period when you will complete your graduation. After the educational section include affiliations and organizations – only if they are recent and relevant to the position and the company that you are applying for. Here comes your “Personal Section” after the above where you add your personal background and or interests. Do add your personal interests only if feel that it is relevant. This section is important too as it can show your versatility if presented properly. Make sure that you write only those that are appropriate to the job and useful to the company. The last one is “Reference Section” but do not mention the names and addresses of the reference here. The best practice is to make it in a separate sheet and produce when if asked. Its better if you write, “Reference available upon request” under the reference section.

Sell yourself. Don’t just tell the potential employer that you ‘answered phones’ at a previous job. Instead, tell them you ‘managed a five line telephone system in a timely and courteous manner.’ Tailor your résumé for each job. Analyzing the advertisement for the job you’re applying for will help you understand what the employer is looking for. If a job specifies that potential employees should have 3 to 5 years experience, be sure that the version of the résumé you send to that employer clearly reflects the fact that you meet their desired qualifications. For example, you may want to include the phrase “15 years of experience” in a prominent position. Research the company to whom you are applying. Find out what would impress them most so that you can tailor your résumé to them. Get creative. This does not mean you should use colored fonts or spray perfume on your résumé before placing it in the mail, but some bulleted lists, bold font, capital letters, and thoughtful organization of information can go a long way in making you stand out from other applicants. Remember, employers will view a résumé for an average of 7 seconds before deciding to actually read it, or pitch it in the trash. You need to draw the employer’s attention to the skills and achievements that make you the best choice in that small window of time. Make your resume realistic and not the "too-good-to-be-true" type of bragging. Purchase good quality, white paper and matching envelopes if you decide to send your résumé out in the mail. Make sure to print the mailing address and return address on your envelopes; this is especially important when applying for a job such as a secretary, administrative assistant, or paralegal, where you will be expected to know how to prepare and print envelopes for mailing.

How – Write a Resume?

It is very important to be honest while writing a resume since it totally defines you. You can’t lie in your resume as it will destroy your carrier (forever). Write what you are and never try to add extra credit to you. Always remember to tell the truth in your resume. Before writing your resume, analyze your strengths, weakness and area of expertise. Prefer the job which fits you and make sure that you don’t do anything without your liking. Here are a few things to be considered while writing a resume Skills, Awards and Achievements: Make a good sketch on your skills, awards and achievements. The points you are adding under the above should represent you as the best. You may give topics like “Special Skills”, “Major Achievements” or “Awards & Achievements” which will best attract the recruiters Give list of your Employment History: You can give heading like “Management Experience”, “Technical Experience”, “Financial Experience” etc., based on relevancy While writing about your employment history, never forget to mention the company’s address, company’s name, your designation in that company, how long you worked and why you left When giving reasons on why you left your previous job, try to be positive and don’t give negative points about your previous institution as it might give some bad impression about your attitude to the recruiters Education Qualification: While providing your educational qualification, be honest. Never try to give additional qualification which you don’t posses. Add educational qualification only if you have respective certificates. Non-Certified Qualifications: If you have some qualifications without having certificates you can add them under interests. Interests: Don’t write down things that really are not your interest as the interviewers will shoot you with many questions based on this interest and on your habits. So always provide the correct ones. Bullets: Try to list your points in bullets while formatting your resume. Since giving bullets will avoid confusion and make your resume look better Hobbies: Even if you have silly hobbies don’t try to hide it. Remember, hobbies are not professions. So write the fact when it comes to hobby. Highlight your strengths: Don’t forget to highlight your (mental) strengths Be Positive: Whatever qualifications you posses, never underestimate yourself and be positive always Keep it Simple: Instead of writing pages and pages be clear and concise. Use Symbols: Use symbols like %, &, $ instead of writing it in words Be Short: See to that your resume doesn’t exceed 2 pages. Try to cover everything in 1-2 pages Use Action Words: Use action words like managed, prepared, developed and presented which will make your resume a standard one Make resume the way it projects your capabilities. In addition to knowing how write resume it is also equally more important to format it decently. Formatting a resume gives a clean look with which it is perfectly read by the interviewer.